1 - Overview 2 - Processes 3 - Documents 4 - Transactions 5 - Resources 6 - Decoding tables 7 - Dictionary 8 - Atlas Printable version

Reference Collaborative Processes in eBIZ/TC Upstream (Draft)

release 28/giu/2024

Process 1 - P1. Traceability for Sustainability
Process P1. Traceability for Sustainability
Description Collecting of the data from the activities of a multiple actors supply chain on a common IT infrastructure
Process activities
Process activities
Activity transactions Diagrams
1 - P1.A1 Products, processes and facilities static data collection
(New or updated)
Collection of all the data that are related to the Product (not to the single lot or sku), Processes and Facilities. The data might be uploaded with an incremental approach. The data are sent from the producer and are collected on the platform.
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  +      Diagramm A_P1.A1Products,processesandfacilitiesstaticdatacollection
2 - P1.A2 Incoming material
(New or updated)
Data exchange between Material Producer, the PLATFORM and Fabric Producer related to the supplied Material information
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  +      Diagramm A_P1.A2Incomingmaterial
3 - P1.A3 Outsourcing of processing to subcontractor
(New or updated)
Information and document exchange among Subcontractor, PLATFORM and Commissioner
 + [Full record]  
  +      Diagramm A_P1.A3Outsourcingofprocessingtosubcontractor
4 - P1.A4 Subcontracted activity notification
(New or updated)
Information and document exchange between Commissioner and PLATFORM related to subcontractors’ activities; subcontractors in this case are external to the platform (virtualised) and the Commissioner notifies the platform on their behalf.
 + [Full record]  
  +      Diagramm A_P1.A4Subcontractedactivitynotification
5 - P1.A5 Supply of component or product
(New or updated)
A product (for example yarn or fabric) is supplied to a Buyer that, in turn, is a producer of something (for example fabric or garment).
 + [Full record]  
  +      Diagramm A_P1.A5Supplyofcomponentorproduct
6 - P1.B1 Synchronizing APP for consumer
(New or updated)
The traceability and sustainability data relating to a product are synchronized between the data collection platform and the consumer APP
 + [Full record]  
Functions/Actors involved
  • eService Platform
    Platform for eBusiness centralised services.
  • Fashion industry buyer
    Company or company function that buys fashion final or non final products
  • Fashion industry producer
    Company or company function that produces fashion final or non final products (garments, accessories, footwear, fabrics…); its industrial process has in input materials and in output components or final fashion goods for the business customers or final customers. Is supplier of the Sales organisation.
  • Fashion industry supplier
    Company or company function that produces non final products (accessories, fabrics, yarns…); its industrial process has in input materials and in output components for the business customers.
  • Fashion producer
    Company or company function that produce fashion products (garments, accessories, footwear,…); its industrial process has in input materials and in output final fashion goods for the final customers. Is supplier of the Sales organisation.
  • Fashion Subcontractor
    Company or company function that performs activities as a sub-contractor.

Process 2 - S1 PCO - Preferential Certification of Origin
Process S1 PCO - Preferential Certification of Origin
Description Support service for the Preferential Certification of Origin (PCO) of the textile product.
Process activities
Process activities
Activity transactions Diagrams
1 - S1.1 PCO service execution
(New or updated)
Exchange of information and documents between Seller, Exporter, Customs Authority, External logistic platform with customs software and PCO PLATFORM related to export outside customs borders. TO BE COMPLETED
 + [Full record]  
Functions/Actors involved
  • eService Platform
    Platform for eBusiness centralised services.
  • Exporter
    Company or company function that exports the product (the one who completes the customs declaration, could be both the seller, the buyer or a third party in charge of the operation)
  • External Custom Software Service
    External customs software service authorized for compiling and sending the custom declaration and interact with Customs’ servers
  • Seller
    Company or company function that sells the product

Process 3 - S2 Material Circularity assessment service
Process S2 Material Circularity assessment service
Description Support service for the Material Circularity (MCI methodology) assessment of the textile product.
Process activities
Process activities
Activity transactions Diagrams
1 - S0 preliminary action for the services
(New or updated)
Insertion of initial data necessary for the service: product identification -object of the service-, organisation asking the service and contact person.
 + [Full record]  
  +      Diagramm A_S0preliminaryactionfortheservices
2 - S2.1 Material Circularity Assessment service execution
(New or updated)
Service execution: supply and examination of product and process data related with Material Circularity Assessment. Will end with the release of an MCI Indicator..
 + [Full record]  
  +      Diagramm A_S2.1MaterialCircularityAssessmentserviceexecution
Functions/Actors involved
  • eService Platform
    Platform for eBusiness centralised services.
  • Expert
    Expert in charge for performing a study.
  • Fashion industry buyer
    Company or company function that buys fashion final or non final products
  • Fashion industry producer
    Company or company function that produces fashion final or non final products (garments, accessories, footwear, fabrics…); its industrial process has in input materials and in output components or final fashion goods for the business customers or final customers. Is supplier of the Sales organisation.
  • Fashion industry supplier
    Company or company function that produces non final products (accessories, fabrics, yarns…); its industrial process has in input materials and in output components for the business customers.
  • Fashion producer
    Company or company function that produce fashion products (garments, accessories, footwear,…); its industrial process has in input materials and in output final fashion goods for the final customers. Is supplier of the Sales organisation.

Process 4 - S3 PEF – Product Environmental Footprint service
Process S3 PEF – Product Environmental Footprint service
Description Support service for the PEF and environmental footprint assessment of the textile product.
Process activities
Process activities
Activity transactions Diagrams
1 - S0 preliminary action for the services
(New or updated)
Insertion of initial data necessary for the service: product identification -object of the service-, organisation asking the service and contact person.
 + [Full record]  
  +      Diagramm A_S0preliminaryactionfortheservices
2 - S3.1 PEF and environmental footprint assessment service execution
(New or updated)
Service execution: supply and examination of information about PEF and environmental footprint. It will end with a report or, if a reviwe is performed, with the publication of PEF indicators according to PEF-CR. Furthermore primary data about product sust
 + [Full record]  
  +      Diagramm A_S3.1PEFandenvironmentalfootprintassessmentserviceexecution
Functions/Actors involved
  • eService Platform
    Platform for eBusiness centralised services.
  • Expert
    Expert in charge for performing a study.
  • Fashion industry buyer
    Company or company function that buys fashion final or non final products
  • Fashion industry producer
    Company or company function that produces fashion final or non final products (garments, accessories, footwear, fabrics…); its industrial process has in input materials and in output components or final fashion goods for the business customers or final customers. Is supplier of the Sales organisation.
  • Fashion industry supplier
    Company or company function that produces non final products (accessories, fabrics, yarns…); its industrial process has in input materials and in output components for the business customers.
  • Fashion producer
    Company or company function that produce fashion products (garments, accessories, footwear,…); its industrial process has in input materials and in output final fashion goods for the final customers. Is supplier of the Sales organisation.
  • Reviewer
    Reviewer in charge for revieweing a study.

Process 5 - S4 Social and Ethical Assessment service
Process S4 Social and Ethical Assessment service
Description Support service for the assessment of the ethical and social sustainability of the textile product
Process activities
Process activities
Activity transactions Diagrams
1 - S0 preliminary action for the services
(New or updated)
Insertion of initial data necessary for the service: product identification -object of the service-, organisation asking the service and contact person.
 + [Full record]  
  +      Diagramm A_S0preliminaryactionfortheservices
2 - S4.1 Social and Ethical protection assessment service execution
(New or updated)
Service execution: supply and examination of information about ethical and social accountability. It will end with a report or a request for further information.
 + [Full record]  
Functions/Actors involved
  • eService Platform
    Platform for eBusiness centralised services.
  • Fashion industry buyer
    Company or company function that buys fashion final or non final products
  • Fashion industry producer
    Company or company function that produces fashion final or non final products (garments, accessories, footwear, fabrics…); its industrial process has in input materials and in output components or final fashion goods for the business customers or final customers. Is supplier of the Sales organisation.
  • Fashion producer
    Company or company function that produce fashion products (garments, accessories, footwear,…); its industrial process has in input materials and in output final fashion goods for the final customers. Is supplier of the Sales organisation.

Process 6 - S5 Health protection compliance service
Process S5 Health protection compliance service
Description Support service for the conformity assessment of the textile product for health protection and to define test and evaluation plans in order to minimize risks.
Process activities
Process activities
Activity transactions Diagrams
1 - S0 preliminary action for the services
(New or updated)
Insertion of initial data necessary for the service: product identification -object of the service-, organisation asking the service and contact person.
 + [Full record]  
  +      Diagramm A_S0preliminaryactionfortheservices
2 - S5.1 Health Protection service execution
(New or updated)
Service execution: supply and examination of product and process data. It will end with a report or a request for further information.
 + [Full record]  
Functions/Actors involved
  • eService Platform
    Platform for eBusiness centralised services.
  • Fashion industry buyer
    Company or company function that buys fashion final or non final products
  • Fashion industry producer
    Company or company function that produces fashion final or non final products (garments, accessories, footwear, fabrics…); its industrial process has in input materials and in output components or final fashion goods for the business customers or final customers. Is supplier of the Sales organisation.
  • Fashion producer
    Company or company function that produce fashion products (garments, accessories, footwear,…); its industrial process has in input materials and in output final fashion goods for the final customers. Is supplier of the Sales organisation.