Reference Collaborative Processes in eBIZ/TC Upstream (Draft)

Introduction to the Reference collaborative processes (ebBP)

The representation of the inter-company collaborative processes is a result of eBIZ/TC Upstream.
In fact, sharing a common representation of the collaborative process (a scenario) and of its activities and messages to be exchanged, simplifies the setup of the collaboration and reduces misalignments and misunderstanding.
Its representation can be codified with an XML document (a ebBP, according with the ebXML terminology)

The reference collaboration processes are described (as images and as Business Process Specification Schemas) for some common typologies of the textile Clothing supply chain; starting from these representations the firms and their technology suppliers will be able to decide to implement them completely or partially, or to create new variants more taylord to their needs.

release 28/giu/2024

Process 1 - S4 Social and Ethical Assessment service
Process S4 Social and Ethical Assessment service
Description Support service for the assessment of the ethical and social sustainability of the textile product
Process activities
Process activities
Activity transactions Diagrams
1 - S0 preliminary action for the services
(New or updated)
Insertion of initial data necessary for the service: product identification -object of the service-, organisation asking the service and contact person.
  +      Diagramm A_S0preliminaryactionfortheservices
2 - S4.1 Social and Ethical protection assessment service execution
(New or updated)
Service execution: supply and examination of information about ethical and social accountability. It will end with a report or a request for further information.
Functions/Actors involved
  • eService Platform
    Platform for eBusiness centralised services.
  • Fashion industry buyer
    Company or company function that buys fashion final or non final products
  • Fashion industry producer
    Company or company function that produces fashion final or non final products (garments, accessories, footwear, fabrics…); its industrial process has in input materials and in output components or final fashion goods for the business customers or final customers. Is supplier of the Sales organisation.
  • Fashion producer
    Company or company function that produce fashion products (garments, accessories, footwear,…); its industrial process has in input materials and in output final fashion goods for the final customers. Is supplier of the Sales organisation.