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XML structures of eBIZ/TC Upstream documents (Draft)

Introduction to the XML document template

The structure of the XML documents is the very prescriptive part of the eBIZ/TC Upstream framework: using the eBIZ/TC Upstream documents, the prescriptions must be completely respected about structure of the documents, names and coding, optionality or mandatory use of elements, meaning of each element.
Otherwise the documents could be not validable with the XML Schema (that are the only way to check the formal compliance of the documents) or could generate misunderstandings about the meaning of the message on the side of your partners.
The allowable customisations are about the use or not of a document or about the elements of the document that are declared 'optional'; they can be used to simplify the documents (not all the elements are always necessary).

The (template of) eBIZ/TC Upstream documents of each release are on www.ebiz.enea.it or www.moda-ml.org and are represented by:

release 28/giu/2024

XML structures of eBIZ/TC Upstream documents (Draft)
1. Social and Ethic Accountability Preliminary Information
Social and Ethic Accountability Preliminary Information, contains preliminary information to start the Social and Ethic Accountability Assessment service.
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[XML Schema]
[JSON Schema]

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