Activity 1 - P1.A4 Subcontracted activity notification
Activity P1.A4 Subcontracted activity notification (New or updated)
Description Information and document exchange between Commissioner and PLATFORM related to subcontractors’ activities; subcontractors in this case are external to the platform (virtualised) and the Commissioner notifies the platform on their behalf.
Preconditions The Commissioner must be platform user. The Subcontractor does not participate actively in the process and is not a platform user; the Commissioner knows its data. Both components and product must be already registered on the platform.
Activity transactions
Action description
Sender, Receiver
1 - Traceability Despatching Advice
Despatch advice plus transport documentation

Preconditions: The input materials for commissioned treatments are ready and is known by the platform
 + [Full record]  
-Fashion industry producer
-eService Platform
[XML Schema]
[JSON Schema]
2 - Traceability Receiving Advice
Returning goods from the subcontractor. Receiving advice plus transactions certificates+ transport documentation

Preconditions: The goods returned from subcontractor
 + [Full record]  
-Fashion industry producer
-eService Platform
[XML Schema]
[JSON Schema]
3 - Traceability report
Reports actions performed by the subcontractor

Preconditions: Information about actions performed by the subcontractor are known for sure
 + [Full record]  
-Fashion industry producer
-eService Platform
[XML Schema]
[JSON Schema]
4 - Textile Invoice Inserting Invoice (proforma o legally valid) from subcontractor plus custom declaration if any

Preconditions: An Invoice from the subcontractor is received by producer
 + [Full record]  
-Fashion industry producer
-eService Platform
[XML Schema]
[JSON Schema]
Postconditions A treatment or a process has been performed on a product and has been notiied on the platform.
Diagrams   +      Diagramm A_P1.A4Subcontractedactivitynotification