Activity 1 - S0 preliminary action for the services
Activity S0 preliminary action for the services (New or updated)
Description Insertion of initial data necessary for the service: product identification -object of the service-, organisation asking the service and contact person.
Preconditions The user and the oraganisation are willing to share primary data on their product with the appointed expert.
Activity transactions
Action description
Sender, Receiver
1 - Party Information Fashion producer contact person is registered and uploads data of his organisation

Preconditions: Fashion producer is a known user
 + [Full record]  
-Fashion producer
-eService Platform
[XML Schema]
[JSON Schema]
2 - Fashion Catalogue Fashion producer inserts the identifier of the product to be evaluated (a single product or a group of similar products)

Preconditions: Fashion producer is a known user and its organisation is registered
 + [Full record]  
-Fashion producer
-eService Platform
[XML Schema]
[JSON Schema]
Postconditions Product, organization and contact person have been identified
Diagrams   +      Diagramm A_S0preliminaryactionfortheservices