Reference transactions in eBIZ/TC Upstream (Draft)

release 28/giu/2024

Process 1 - S1 PCO - Preferential Certification of Origin
Process S1 PCO - Preferential Certification of Origin
Description Support service for the Preferential Certification of Origin (PCO) of the textile product.
Process activities
Activity 1 - S1.1 PCO service execution
Activity S1.1 PCO service execution (New or updated)
Description Exchange of information and documents between Seller, Exporter, Customs Authority, External logistic platform with customs software and PCO PLATFORM related to export outside customs borders. TO BE COMPLETED
Preconditions The production of the shipped products have been traced.
Activity transactions
Action description
Sender, Receiver
1 - PCO Preliminary Information
Service activation request for a shipment: sending intial information (invoices, products identifiers and lots; destination, …) ( S1.1.1/1.1.2)

Preconditions: traceability about products already activated (a Traceability Report must be requestable to the platform)
Request of 'Traceability report'
 + [Full record]  
-eService Platform
[XML Schema]
[JSON Schema]
2 - Traceability report
For each lot the corresponding TRR is created and sent. In parallel the Traceability Report Dossier (TRD) is generated and sent. (S1.2.1)

Preconditions: the platform recognises the lots and retrieve their traceability information
 + [Full record]  
-eService Platform
[XML Schema]
[JSON Schema]
3 - Traceability report
Add further requested documents, and consequently update of Traceability Report (TRR) for additional documents (S1.2.2)

Preconditions: the traceability Report (TRR) are checked and further supporting documents are available to the platform
 + [Full record]  
-eService Platform
[XML Schema]
[JSON Schema]
4 - PCO Export Shipping Manifesto
Platform sends PCO Export Shipping manifesto (ESM) with references to ESD and TRD (S1.2.3/1.2.4)

Preconditions: release of TRR(s), TRD(s), hash creation and assignment of TRDN; creation of shipping dossier (ESD) and of Export Shipping manifesto (ESM)
 + [Full record]  
-eService Platform
[XML Schema]
[JSON Schema]
5 - PCO shipment report
Platform sends PCOShipmentReport with references to ESD, ESM, and TRD (S1.2.3/1.2.4)

Preconditions: ESD and ESM already created
 + [Full record]  
-eService Platform
[XML Schema]
[JSON Schema]
6 - PCO Export Shipping Manifesto
Add further requested documents, and consequently update of PCO Export Shipping manifesto (ESM) (S1.2.5)

Preconditions: the PCO Export Shipping manifesto (ESM) is checked and further supporting documents are available to the platform
 + [Full record]  
-eService Platform
[XML Schema]
[JSON Schema]
7 - PCO request For Customs ESD Identifier
Request for an identifier of the final ESD-Export Shipping Dossier to the Customs Agency (the dossier is not sent, only its TRICK identifier). (S1.2.6)

Preconditions: updated ESM, ESD, hash creation of ESD; updated PCOShipmentReport is available with @SRVReportStatus=‘ready for loading’
 + [Full record]  
-eService Platform
-Customs agency
[XML Schema]
[JSON Schema]
8 - PCO shipment report
Request for Custom declaration creation to third party system (External Custom Software) ( S1.3.1)

Preconditions: platform has received PCO request For Customs ESD Identifier and the Exporter read it
 + [Full record]  
-External Custom Software Service
[XML Schema]
[JSON Schema]
9 - PCO shipment report
The platform receives updated PCOShipmentReport including MRN, PCOID and SAD (as an attached file) (@SRVReportStatus=‘confirmed’) (S1.3.4)

Preconditions: the submission has been SUCCESSFUL and the SAD is issued
 + [Full record]  
-External Custom Software Service
-eService Platform
[XML Schema]
[JSON Schema]
10 - Document Availability Advise
Communication of availability PCOShipmentReport including MRN, PCOID and SAD (as an attached file) (S1.3.5)
 + [Full record]  
-eService Platform
[XML Schema]
[JSON Schema]
11 - General Purpose Request Exporter requires the finalised PCOShipmentReport including MRN, PCOID and SAD (as an attached file) (S1.3.6)
Request of 'PCO shipment report'
 + [Full record]  
-eService Platform
[XML Schema]
[JSON Schema]
12 - PCO shipment report
Exporter retrieves from platform the finalised PCOShipmentReport (including MRN+ PCOID associated to ESDI) + custom declaration (S1.3.6)

Preconditions: exporter requests the shipment report + SAD
 + [Full record]  
-eService Platform
[XML Schema]
[JSON Schema]
Functions/Actors involved
  • eService Platform
  • Exporter
  • External Custom Software Service
  • Seller