Reference transactions in eBIZ/TC Upstream (Draft)

release 28/giu/2024

Process 1 - S2 Material Circularity assessment service
Process S2 Material Circularity assessment service
Description Support service for the Material Circularity (MCI methodology) assessment of the textile product.
Process activities
Activity 1 - S0 preliminary action for the services
Activity S0 preliminary action for the services (New or updated)
Description Insertion of initial data necessary for the service: product identification -object of the service-, organisation asking the service and contact person.
Preconditions The user and the oraganisation are willing to share primary data on their product with the appointed expert.
Activity transactions
Action description
Sender, Receiver
1 - Party Information Fashion producer contact person is registered and uploads data of his organisation

Preconditions: Fashion producer is a known user
 + [Full record]  
-Fashion producer
-eService Platform
[XML Schema]
[JSON Schema]
2 - Fashion Catalogue Fashion producer inserts the identifier of the product to be evaluated (a single product or a group of similar products)

Preconditions: Fashion producer is a known user and its organisation is registered
 + [Full record]  
-Fashion producer
-eService Platform
[XML Schema]
[JSON Schema]
Postconditions Product, organization and contact person have been identified
Diagrams   +      Diagramm A_S0preliminaryactionfortheservices

Activity 2 - S2.1 Material Circularity Assessment service execution
Activity S2.1 Material Circularity Assessment service execution (New or updated)
Description Service execution: supply and examination of product and process data related with Material Circularity Assessment. Will end with the release of an MCI Indicator..
Preconditions User and product are known by the platform
Activity transactions
Action description
Sender, Receiver
1 - MCI circularity preliminary information
Activation of the service ticket and sending preliminary information about the product: product composition, process steps, existing certification and documentation. The service activation should be requested in the SRVHeader/platformServiceReference element.

Preconditions: the user and the product are registered on the platform
 + [Full record]  
-Fashion industry producer
-eService Platform
[XML Schema]
[JSON Schema]
2 - MCI circularity Information
The platform reports the already present information that can be used for the service.

Preconditions: preliminary information already specified
 + [Full record]  
-eService Platform
-Fashion industry producer
[XML Schema]
[JSON Schema]
3 - Information Request for Service
Suppliers are requested to fill data about the components they supply for the product. This request and its answer might be repeated until all the needed information are supplied.

Preconditions: the preliminary information have been processed, component list is known and further information is requested to the suppliers
Request of 'PEF and environmental footprint Information'
 + [Full record]  
-eService Platform
-Fashion industry supplier
[XML Schema]
[JSON Schema]
4 - MCI circularity Information
Suppliers fill data about the components they supply for the product. These information might be disclosed to the platform or ALTERNATIVELY directly only to the expert

Preconditions: further information has been requested
 + [Full record]  
-Fashion industry supplier
-eService Platform
[XML Schema]
[JSON Schema]
5 - MCI circularity Information
Further information are sent to run the service.

Preconditions: further information are needed
 + [Full record]  
-Fashion industry producer
-eService Platform
[XML Schema]
[JSON Schema]
6 - MCI circularity Information
The available information about the product and its components are disclosed to the expert.

Preconditions: the information have been collected and the expert is appointed
 + [Full record]  
-eService Platform
[XML Schema]
[JSON Schema]
7 - Service final response
The final input data set for the service execution is sent.

Preconditions: All the needed information was supplied to accomplish the service
Request of 'Reaction to service results'
 + [Full record]  
-eService Platform
[XML Schema]
[JSON Schema]
8 - Service final response
The resulting value of the indicator is communicated to the producer

Preconditions: The service run was executed
Request of 'Reaction to service results'
 + [Full record]  
-eService Platform
-Fashion industry producer
[XML Schema]
[JSON Schema]
9 - Reaction to service results
User accepts/dos not accept the results and send instructions about the next actions (publishing or not).

Preconditions: The result was received by the producer
 + [Full record]  
-Fashion industry producer
-eService Platform
[XML Schema]
[JSON Schema]
14 - Indicators declaration
Sending the indicators resulting from the service.

Preconditions: The final results have been approved and the related indicators can be disclosed
 + [Full record]  
-eService Platform
-Fashion industry buyer
[XML Schema]
[JSON Schema]
Postconditions The final indicator is produced.
Diagrams   +      Diagramm A_S2.1MaterialCircularityAssessmentserviceexecution
Functions/Actors involved
  • eService Platform
  • Expert
  • Fashion industry buyer
  • Fashion industry producer
  • Fashion industry supplier
  • Fashion producer