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Decoding tables values in eBIZ/TC Upstream (Draft)

release 28/giu/2024

Tabella 1 - T310
Tabella T310
Description manufacturing party roles
Generalities this list contains a subset of the UNECE "3035 Party function code qualifier" codelist to which codes related to necessary roles but not present in this list have been added. The added codes are identifiable since they start with the letter 'x'; in the fu
Code List Agency Name eBIZ for TRICK
Code List VersionID Draft
Code List URI http://www.ebiz.enea.it/moda-ml/repository/codelist/Draft/gc_T310.xml
Other External Reference URL https://service.unece.org/trade/untdid/d21b/tred/tred3035.htm
Table values
Table values Adoption note
CB customs broker same code as UNECE 3035
CM customs authority same code as UNECE 3035
DFT garment producer same code as UNECE 3035
DGC logistic service provider same code as UNECE 3035
DGE breeder same code as UNECE 3035
DGM consumer same code as UNECE 3035
DGN farmer same code as UNECE 3035
DGO recycler same code as UNECE 3035
DGP retailer same code as UNECE 3035
DGR Waste Disposal Provider same code as UNECE 3035
DGS tanner same code as UNECE 3035
DGU ginner same code as UNECE 3035
DGV spinner same code as UNECE 3035
DGW weaver same code as UNECE 3035
EI quality controller same code as UNECE 3035
EX exporter same code as UNECE 3035
IM importer same code as UNECE 3035
xBP B2C platform code non included in UNECE 3035
xCS External Custom Software it is not software managed by customs agencies; is sw dedicated to custom procedure of the companies interacting with customs agency servers
xE expert code non included in UNECE 3035
xFBD fiber dyer code non included in UNECE 3035
xFC fibre comber code non included in UNECE 3035
xFDA darning code non included in UNECE 3035
xFDY fabric dyer code non included in UNECE 3035
xFF fabric finishing code non included in UNECE 3035
xFP fabric producer code non included in UNECE 3035
xGC cutting and sewing provider code non included in UNECE 3035
xGD garment dyer code non included in UNECE 3035
xGI ironing service code non included in UNECE 3035
xLP External Logistic Platform
xLT test laboratory code non included in UNECE 3035
xOTH other code non included in UNECE 3035
xP packaging code non included in UNECE 3035
xR reviewer code non included in UNECE 3035
xRC company custom representative
xSL seller
xYD yarn dyer code non included in UNECE 3035
xYF yarn finishing code non included in UNECE 3035
xYP yarn producer code non included in UNECE 3035
Elements using the table
[XML dictionary]: Not available

 + [Full list]