1 - Overview 2 - Processes 3 - Documents 4 - Transactions 5 - Resources 6 - Decoding tables 7 - Dictionary 8 - Atlas Printable version

Decoding tables values in eBIZ/TC Upstream (Draft)

release 28/giu/2024

Tabella 1 - NT313
Tabella NT313
Description status of the document
Generalities subset of the values from the United Nations Code List (UNCL) 4405 code list from UNCEFACT
Code List Agency Name eBIZ for TRICK (elaboration on UNECE)
Code List VersionID Draft
Code List URI http://www.ebiz.enea.it/moda-ml/repository/codelist/Draft/gc_NT313.xml
Other External Reference URL https://service.unece.org/trade/untdid/d21b/tred/tred4405.htm
Table values
Table values Adoption note
112 Incomplete
21 Temporary
39 Approved
40 Withdrawn
41 Rejected
45 No status
67 Preliminary
70 Issued
73 Confirmed (by reviewer)
74 Expiry date exceeded
97 Pending
Elements using the table
assignStatusCode code of the status to be assigned to the document it refers [XML dictionary]: assignStatusCode
docStatusCode current status of the document [XML dictionary]: docStatusCode
indicatorStatusCode current status of the indicator value [XML dictionary]: indicatorStatusCode

 + [Full list]