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Decoding tables values in eBIZ/TC Upstream (Draft)

release 28/giu/2024

Tabella 1 - NT331
Tabella NT331
Description Nature of transaction
Generalities Nature of the business transaction (e.g. indicated on the customs declaration). Reference: Commission implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1197 of 30 July 2020 https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A32020R1197
Code List VersionID Draft
Code List URI http://www.ebiz.enea.it/moda-ml/repository/codelist/Draft/gc_NT331.xml
Other External Reference URL https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A32020R1197
Table values
Table values Adoption note
11 "Outright sale/purchase except direct trade with/by private consumers"
12 Direct trade with/by private consumers (including distance sale)
21 Return of goods
22 Replacement for returned goods
23 Replacement (e.g. under warranty) for goods not being returned
31 Movements to/from a warehouse (excluding call off and consignment stock)
32 Supply for sale on approval or after trial (including call-off and consignment stock)
33 Financial leasing
34 Transactions involving transfer of ownership without financial compensation
41 Goods expected to return to the initial Member State/country of export
42 Goods not expected to return to the initial Member State/country of export
51 Goods returning to the initial Member State/country of export
52 Goods not returning to the initial Member State/country of export
6 Particular transactions recorded for national purposes
71 Release of goods for free circulation in a Member State with a subsequent export to another Member State
72 Transportation of goods from one Member State to another Member State to place the goods under the export procedure
8 Supply of building materials and technical equipment under a general construction or civil engineering contract for which no separate invoicing of the goods is required and an invoice for the total contract is issued
91 Hire, loan, and operational leasing longer than 24 months
99 Other
Elements using the table
natureOfTransaction Nature of the business transaction (e.g. indicated on the customs declaration). [XML dictionary]: natureOfTransaction

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