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Decoding tables values in eBIZ/TC Upstream (Draft)

release 28/giu/2024

Tabella 1 - T202
Tabella T202
Description type of job on fabric
Generalities operation of a work cycle for fabric
Code List Agency Name eBIZ
Code List VersionID Draft
Code List URI http://www.ebiz.enea.it/moda-ml/repository/codelist/Draft/gc_T202.xml
Table values
Table values Adoption note
50 to warp
51 to weave
52 to dye
53 to print
54 to finish
56 stain resistant
57 decolorizing
58 flame resistant
59 waterproofing
60 protolan
61 lavatex
62 chlorination
63 bleaching
64 caustic soda treatment
65 thermo-setting
66 lucido superjet
67 natural stretch
68 softisuper
69 stragar
70 anti-crease
71 anti-pilling
72 anti-slipping
73 anti-static
80 printing preparation
81 check
99 other, see note if any
Elements using the table
texJob operation of a work cycle for fabric [XML dictionary]: texJob

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