Decoding tables values in eBIZ/TC Upstream (Draft)

release 28/giu/2024

Tabella 1 - NT10
Tabella NT10
Description Despatch Advise type
Generalities type of Despatch advise
Code List Agency Name eBIZ
Code List VersionID Draft
Code List URI
Table values
Table values Adoption note
BRG re-worked no-charge
CLP for work
DDT return from work
DDV for demonstration
PKL packing list
PRE pre-advise
RCD storage return
RDV return from demonstration
RNL not worked return
RRG return from re-worked no-charge
RSB return from sale
SBT for sale
SCD for storage
STD standard
Elements using the table
TAtype type of Despatch advise [XML dictionary]: TAtype