April 11th, 2003, Towards a European standard for the data exchange in the T/C sectorOn April 11th, two joint events extremely significant in the perspective of the creation of a European standard for data interchange in Textile/Clothing sector had take place in Milan: the presentation of the final results of Moda-ML and eTeXML projects and the second public plenary session of CEN/ISSS (European Committee for Standardization) TexSpin WorkShop. Morning: the results of Moda-ML and the perspective of a common data exchange framework Organized by MODA-ML, Sistema Moda Italia and Associazione Tessile ItalianaModa-ML project (www.moda-ml.org) is born to design a new sector standard based on XML and Internet. It has been strongly solicited by its industrial (Corneliani, Successori Reda, Piacenza, Loro Piana, Vitale Barberis Canonico) and technological (Enea, Politecnico di Milano, Gruppo SOI, Domina, IFTH) partners and it found in Sistema Moda Italia (SMI) and Associazione Tessile Italiana (ATI) active contributors. Project’s results are specifications and demonstrative applications already available on the Web and ready to be included in software solutions for data interchange through the supply chain (order, despatch advice, order status, quality piece map, etc.). The integration of the results of Moda-ML and eTeXML (documents addressed to distribution, like order, order response, sales report, etc.) projects leads to the availability of a wide architecture for data interchange that covers the whole supply chain, from fabric production to stores.
Language in the morning: Italian, with translation into English
Afternoon: Second plenary sessiom of Workshop CEN/ISSS Tex.Spin (Textile Supply Chain Integrated Network)Official session CEN/ISSS, with support of ENEA, Sistema Moda Italia and Associazione Tessile Italiana TexSpin workshop, promoted by Euratex with CEN (European Committee for Standardization) support, aim to create a pre-normative platform for a sector European standard, by joining the results of Moda-ML (European project, focused on the upstream part of the supply chain) and eTeXML (French project, more oriented to the downstream part of the supply chain) projects. These projects make a wide use of XML, a universal language that allows different computer systems and environments to exchange data, and they offer scenarios and specifications ready to be easily integrated in company information systems and in the latest technological solutions. Among the presented activities there will be some possible implementations for the Textile / Clothing sector, which now have a new common platform to take off towards new challenges.
Language in the afternoon: English and Italian translation
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