CPP-Editor is a java web application to create/edit ebXML Collaboration Protocol Profile (CPP).
The goal of CPP-Editor is to provide to each user a way to create a business profile CPP to describe the own capability into a collaboration framework ebXML-compliant.
The CPP-Editor is a first (of two) step to prepare a business collaboration, the next step is to use the CPA-MatchMaker to compare two CPP profiles and to decide the final collaboration agreement (CPA).
- allows the CPP Profile creation using a CPP template,
- allows the CPP Profile modification,
- supports the specification of one or more Parties
- supports the ebBP referencing, therefore the user can specify the supported Business Processes (one or more for each specified Party)
- supports, for each specified Business Process, the specification of the related Business Transactions,
- supports the definition of one or more Delivery Channels (HTTP, SMTP),
- not supports, at the moment, the specification of Certificates.