Harmonized set of semantic standards, ontologies, nomenclatures
Ciaccio, G., De Sabbata, P., Fantin, V., Scalbi, S., Massa, G., & Brutti, A.
Anno 2022
Deliverable o report di progetto
The deliverable D1.4 addresses two aspects of the TRICK project: the flows of the data among the actors of TRICK use cases and the preliminary phase (including operative guidelines) of the PEF studies.
The final concrete outcomes of the deliverable, useful for the next design and development steps (WP2, WP3 and WP4) of the projects are 1) the identification of the standardised resources (transactional standards, nomenclatures, ontologies) and their need for extensions/customisation, 2) the description of the expected flows of information for the six services and 3) the general settings for the PEF studies on the textile products of the pilots.
Ciaccio, G., De Sabbata, P., Fantin, V., Scalbi, S., Massa, G., & Brutti, A. (2022). Harmonized set of semantic standards, ontologies, nomenclatures (2.0). Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14006995