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Towards a Service Marketplace to Empower Circular Economy Transition: An Example Application in the Supply Chain of Textile Industry
Autori Franke, M., Deng, Q., Hribernik, K.A., Thoben, KD., Ciaccio, G.  Anno 2024
Tipologia Articolo Conferenza internazionale con referaggio
Abstract The environmental impact of the textile industry is driving a shift towards circular economy (CE) practices. The EU’s 2022 strategy mandates the Digital Product Passport (DPP) for textiles, which requires environmental and circularity data along the value chain. To comply with DPP, it is necessary to use digital services for CE in supply chains to assess the environmental impact of textile products. CE services require addressing interoperability issues and facilitating data exchange between these CE services used by different companies for their individual products. Although various CE services are available as commercial off-the-shelf products, they are often provided with a generic data model for a specific product and significant effort is required by SMEs to address customisation. Existing service marketplaces are either not domain specific or do not facilitate easy (re-)use and adoption of these CE services. This paper proposes a marketplace to address this challenge. It connects solution providers offering CE services with SMEs seeking solutions. The marketplace implements Software as a Service (SaaS) and provides public APIs and domain & product specific data connectors to facilitate data exchange and interoperability between individual services from companies and CE services in the marketplace. This will minimise the effort required to discover, deploy and use CE services within SMEs, and facilitate the (re)use of CE services across different products. With this, the marketplace aims to promote sustainability and traceability in the circular economy of the textile sector, which is shown for the Preferential Certificate of Origin.
Referenza_Bibliografica Franke, M., Deng, Q., Hribernik, K.A., Thoben, KD., Ciaccio, G. (2024). Towards a Service Marketplace to Empower Circular Economy Transition: An Example Application in the Supply Chain of Textile Industry. In: Thürer, M., Riedel, R., von Cieminski, G., Romero, D. (eds) Advances in Production Management Systems. Production Management Systems for Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous Environments. APMS 2024. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 728. Springer, Cham.
Riferimento WEB
Riferimento WEB 2
Unita di Ricerca X-LAB
LastUpdate 30/09/2024
Topic di ricerca collegati
Codice Topic di ricerca Descrizione
3.1 Tecnologie dell'Interoperabilità Maggiori informazioni sull'applicazione delle tecnologie dell'Interoperabilità su Technology Report Interoperabilità
I Innovazione nell'Industria Innovazione nell'Industria manifatturiera
I.1 Innovazione nell'Industria del FASHION Innovazione nell'Industria della MODA

Vedi anche
Tracciabilita industria tessile
I.1.1 Passaporto Digitale di Prodotto Passaporto Digitale di Prodotto
La Commissione europea ha presentato il 30 marzo 2022 una comunicazione sulla strategia dell'UE per un settore tessile sostenibile e circolare (COM(2022) 141) della cui implementazione il passaporto digitale di prodotto sa
I.1.2 Tracciabilità industria del fashion La tracciabilita nelle filiere
Tracciabilità industria del fashion: tecnologie IT per la tracciabilità del prodotto fashion nel processo produttivo
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impact factor Falso
ReferenzaUnivoca DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-71622-5_16

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