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Acronimo ECO-SCP-MED
Sommario ECO-SCP-MED project is a 18-month project which aims at ensuring sustainability across the supply chain of the main products and services in the MED area.
Descrizione ECO-SCP-MED project is a 18-month project which aims at ensuring sustainability across the supply chain of the main products and services in the MED area. Its cornerstone is raising knowledge on SCP (Sustainable Consumption and Production) and fostering eco-innovation and competitiveness through transnational cooperation and especially through the CAPITALIZATION of main achievements, activities and cooperation practices already developed in the Mediterranean space.
Data iniziale 10/07/2013  Data conclusione 31/12/2004
Risultati The partners of ECO-SCP-MED project have been gathered together because of their participation in several other projects whose results have a high potential for capitalization. 20 key outputs from 12 projects have been selected to achieve the objectives of ECO-SCP-MED in a tangible way and with the maximum impact through the MED area. The outputs selected cover the necessary technical knowledge and experiences to develop an integrated tool to promote the sustainable consumption and production in policy, business and society scopes in the following focus areas:

Sustainability of the products/services
Sustainability of the production process
Sustainable Management of Industrial Areas
Sustainable Consumption patterns and behaviour
Keywords Eco-Innovation, Environment, industrial Areas, Sustainability, Management
Stato di sviluppo Completato
Finanziamento Europeo
Tipo di progetto Altro
Keywords Eco-Innovation, Environment, industrial Areas, Sustainability, Management
Partecipazione unita di ricerca al progetto
Unita di ricerca Denominazione Laboratorio Ruolo
EDI Efficientamento energetico degli edifici mediante l’adozione di materiali innovativi ed energie rinnovabili Home page laboratorio LAERTE (EFF.ENERGETICA) Coordinamento tecnico - scientifico

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